1.Enter the name of your new character.

2.Select your culture. These are not simply for roleplaying and do have a impact on your characters stats and known rituals here is the stat spread each culture recives.

3.Next you will choose your sex and player icon. These are both purely for roleplaying purposes and have no gameplay impact.

4.You will then be prompted to select your starting season. This is hugely important as it will determine how difficult your start is. Summer is the easiest as you will have plenty of time to prepare for winter. A winter start is incredibly difficult and can kill even well prepared characters.

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5.You then are shown all your characters statistics. You can press R to reroll them as many times as you wish.

6.Then you are brought to the skills page. You can improve up to 5 skills with the ‘+’ key.

7.Next you are shown all the rituals you know, press esc when you are done reading them.

8.After that you are shown the map, the red square denotes your characters starting location. other colors show cultures general location.

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9.You are then prompted to select your starting scenario. This can determine how your game starts; you can also choose no starting scenario.

10.Lastly you choose a games course. These are objectives given to you that can offer various difficulties to the game.

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